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Facebook conversion attribution reporting

What makes Facebook conversion attribution reporting different?

  • Facebook reports influenced conversions within 1, 7 or 28 days of an ad click, and within 1, 7 or 28 days of an ad view, depending on the reporting settings you engage.  When an ad is clicked, only the click gets credit – not the view too.
  • Facebook uses a last-touch attribution model – so the last ad clicked or viewed gets full credit (in situations where more than 1 ad was viewed or clicked before a conversion action).
  • Some Facebook clicks are not clicks to view the website (e.g., share an ad), but those still show as conversions associated with “clicks”.
  • Multiple clicks by the same person are considered duplicates – and only counted as 1 click in reporting.
  • Conversions are counted in reports on the day the ad click or view happened.  That is one reason why Google Analytics reported revenue will not match that of Facebook.  
  • Conversions for an historic report period will potentially increase over time as additional future conversions are realized for ad clicks & view in that period (e.g., viewing last month’s report data today, and 7 days from now, will probably have different attributed conversions reported). 

See also:

Conversion reporting discrepancies between Google Ads and Google Analytics

Facebook conversion attribution reporting
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