Same User, Multiple Goal Completions Across Multiple Sessions We defined last non-direct click attribution here. What we didn’t clarify was a scenario where a user completes more than 1 goal across multiple sessions in the selected date range. Does the
Making Sense of Google Analytics Users, User Type and New Users

Users in Audience Overview Report In the “Audience Overview” report in Google Analytics, metric “Users” is defined as “the total number of users for the requested time period”. Unless you have engaged the Google Analytics User-ID feature, a user is technically
Using the fragment portion of the URL to pass campaign parameters
If the anchor portion of the URL contains Google Analytics custom campaign parameters (i.e., UTM parameters), those parameters get kept in the anchor and sent to Google Analytics for processing, unless the allowAnchor field is set to false (reference this
Google Optimize and AdWords Integration
Better landing pages, better results. Advertisers naturally spend a lot of time thinking about their ads. What gets people to click? Will the words “free shipping” sell more than “10% off”? AdWords has always made it easy to create many
Amazon’s Jeff Bezos on Decision Making
Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos had some intriguing things to say about decision making in a recent letter to Amazon shareholders. He differentiated between “Type 1” vs. “Type 2” decisions. ‘There’s a problem with “one-size-fits-all” decision making. Some decisions are consequential
Bayesian vs Frequentist Approaches to Experiments
Frequentists make predictions on underlying truths of the experiment using only data from the current experiment. Bayesians take advantage of past knowledge of similar experiments (a “prior”), along with current experiment data to make an experiment conclusion. While Bayesian computations
Using Google Analytics Audiences in Optimize 360
Test, adapt, personalize. Discover the most engaging customer experiences with Google Optimize 360. Test different variations of your website and then tailor it to deliver a personalized experience that works best for each customer and for your business. You can
Ask Twice and You Shall Receive
Refusing a First Request Makes People More Willing to Grant a Second One If you assume that someone who has turned you down once is unlikely to grant a subsequent request, your assumption may be incorrect. Research by Daniel A.
To Sell Your Product, Make Three Claims, not Four
Study participants reported increasingly favorable impressions of a cereal, a restaurant, a shampoo, an ice cream store, and a politician as researchers raised the number of positive claims about each one, but only up to a point: Beginning with the fourth positive claim,
Why bid on your own brand terms?
It seems counter intuitive to bid on terms that represent your own brand for search network campaigns on AdWords & Bing. However, there are definitely good reasons to do so – here’s a list: The good quality score you’ll get for keywords &